Green Owl Farm
We are a sustainable, small-scale Hudson Valley farm, growing and selling specialty long-season crops – garlic, turmeric, ginger, saffron, rainbow fingerling potatoes, luffa gourds, and bottle gourds we craft into birdhouses. We direct sell and wholesale these crops, and the products we make from them, at the Rhinebeck Farmer’s Market and throughout the Hudson Valley. We also grow over fifty types of vegetables, with many varieties, for our CSA.
Our commitment to the land drives our practices --- sowing, cultivating, and harvesting with our feet on the ground and improving our soil’s vitality through crop rotation, green manure cover cropping, compost, and the use of only certified organic fertilizers. We work our beds without a tractor and with minimal tillage from hand tools, creating healthier soil and more nutrient dense plants. We never use synthetic amendments or GMOs.
We are proud to be Certified Naturally Grown